
Sunday 31 March 2013

Mar 31: I Love Easter (& other things)

Hello all and welcome to past me,
This is a pre-scheduled post because I am away not camping because my mother "doesn't do camping", but at our beach house for the weekend, weekend being the loose term for 5 nights.
So as you may be aware judging by the number of chocolate eggs and bunnies that are around, it is Easter. *yay! happy dance* Right now I am probably sitting in a great big chair eating piles of chocolate reading a book. I have a great life, it will make me fat but it is great.

Once again it is time for my Things I like-quite-a-bit Post:
Starting it off is that app I am using to keep myself organized - Astrid: It's basically a to do list that I have synced with my iPad, Phone and Laptop to keep myself on track and focused on what I want to do in the day. I have long term list and lists of things that need to be done today and it's a great way for me to stay on top of all the homework that has been set. It has a cute little octopus as it's mascot and it sends me cute messages when I miss calls. It is available on apple products, on Android and on the web.

Another thing I am liking quite a bit is this youtube channel. It is called The Brain Scoop and while I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea, I do recommend it to anyone who like biology, animals, and nerdy things. The host, Emily is a volunteer at the Philip L. Wright Zoological Museum and she takes us though various parts of the museum and there are also some dissections and some Q&A's and other awesome things. She also makes some of the best one-liners I have ever come across. It's funny, it's cute, it's a bit disturbing at some stages and educational but don't get scared by that.
Here's a video:

Also I am quite liking what I've been having for breakfast for the last week, which is hot porridge with a bit of cinnamon, nutmeg and brown sugar to taste, finished off with some dried cranberries. Yummy! There isn't really any specific way to make it, just however you would usually make it and then eat.

I hope you had a Happy Easter and a wonderful Easter Break, for me daylight savings ends on Sunday night (which should be present me's tonight), which is sad but it means that I won't be waking up in them dark for a little bit.

Until next time,
Liana xx

P.S. The new Dr Who comes out tonight (present me)!!! I'm so excited! :D

UPDATE: So I made a mistake. Daylight Savings doesn't end until next week, a little mix up caused by Easter being early.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Mar 27: forgotten photos + OOTD

Oh hey people I haven't talked to for a while,
How are you? (you are not obliged to answer, though I do like comments *hint hint*)

I just realised that I took photos for you over the weekend and I haven't had time to put them into a post yet. (That may have been caused by a classics essay/test/extended response thing, it don't really know what it is)

Subject: Outfit of the day (OOTD)
Date: Sunday
Who: Myself and best friend Erin (who is yet to be mentioned)
For: Brunch (defined as either the meal between breakfast and lunch or as a combination of them both resulting in the need for neither).
We both had half breakfasts, which for me was more than what I normally eat for breakfast, consisting of 1 egg (fried sunny side up), a piece of toast, the best hash brown we have ever tasted, some mushrooms cooked in something, a cooked tomato (+ her's because she doesn't like them) and bacon because you can't have enough bacon (well you probably definitely could). I also had a chai latte and a pot of tea though not at the same time, that would be weird.
Weather: Sort of cold but not cold enough for a jacket but not warm enough for a dress. luke warm? mild? balmy? overcast?

Anyway onto more pressing matters,  I am wearing:
Shear floaty dress that I am wearing as a shift top/tunic (I think it was handmade as there are no tags and I bought it from a little boutique) over dark wash jeans, belted with an old belt found at my aunts house and layered necklaces (I wear these all the time. they will make regular appearances)
Sunglasses I bought a year(?) ago for $20 at some shop, but I love them as they are sort of retro and have a heart in the center.

So... these photos may or may not have been taken in my parents bathroom *shifty eyes*
What? I like the colour of the walls... don't judge me...

Until next time,
(which will probably be after Easter, in which case HAPPY EASTER!!)
Liana xx

Sunday 24 March 2013

Mar 23: The letter 'L'

Tonight I went to my youth leader and mentor's 21st birthday party. She is the most amazing and joyful person I have ever met and I don't know what or where I would be without her.
It was a themed costume party, centered around the first letter of her name 'L'.
It took me awhile to figure out what I was going to go as. I like being original and too be honest there were already so many leopard and lady bugs that they didn't need anymore.
In the end I went as a french moon 'la lune'.

I borrowed a white dress off my friend, and put a sheer white top underneath to keep me warm(er). I paired that with white tights and a silver piece of material that I tied around my waist. I also wore a red beret and curled my hair to look a bit more french.

I completed the costume with a white piece of cardboard cut in a circular shape and decorated to look like a moon. My shoes are little vintage styled blush coloured heels bought at a local store.
Over all I kept my makeup very simple and fresh, with a brilliant red lipstick that matched my hat and winged eyeliner.

I had loads of fun and it was great to be able to sit down and just chat with everyone.

Until next time,
Liana xx

P.S this was supposed to go up this morning but I am lazy, and was running late.

Monday 18 March 2013

Mar 18: About Me Tag

Hey all,
Guess what? bonus post!! *happy dance*
The reality of this is that I really can't be bothered cleaning my room, so it's tag time :D
I might have stolen this from notesbynicole but it is a tag so I'm sure she won't mind.

I tag:
Whoever is reading this :)

Vital Statistics:
Me: Liane
Nicknames: Liana, Li-bear, Droma, Glok,
Birthday: June 21st
Place of Birth: Melbourne, Australia
Zodiac Sign: Gemini (most of the time)
Male or Female: Female
Occupation: Student
Residence: Melbourne, Australia
Screen Name: Liana M

Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Length: Just above my shoulders
Eye colour: Blue-grey
Best Feature: Eyes and hair
Height: 5'5''
Braces?: Nope
Glasses?: Reading glasses
Piercing: Only my ears
Tattoos: No
Righty or Lefty: Right

Your 'Firsts':
First best friend: Mitchel (ages 5-9)
First Award:
no idea probably something for dancing
First Sport You Joined: Ballet - it is a sport
First Real Vacation: Queensland. Though I go to my beach house multiple times per year.
First Concert: None - I don't do well in crowds
First Love: None - my ex-boyfriends were jerks and I'm naive.

Movie: Notting Hill, The Holiday, Love actually, Ever After.
TV Show: Gilmore Girls, Dr Who
Colours: Purple - lilac and dark violet
Song: too many - it changes so fast
Candy: anything chocolate but I have a soft spot for Turkish delights and Jaffas
Restaurant: A little Italian place near where I live
Store: Valley Girl, Ruche, Cotton On.
School: Hogwarts
Book: Harry Potter, The little princess, Little Women, Pride and Prejudices, anything John Green
Magazine: I don't have one
Shoes: either my black wedge booties or my converses

Feeling: Tired
Single or Taken: Single
Nothing but I just ate a caramel tart
Typing: This thing
Online: Obviously
Listening To: Come what may - Moulin Rouge Soundtrack
Thinking About: Cleaning my room before the window guy comes tomorrow
Wanting: A cup of tea
Watching: Nothing
Wearing: Pj pants and my "green eggs and ham" top

Want Children?: Yes, 3 maybe 4
Want to be Married: Definitely, hopefully before I'm 30
Careers in Mind: public relations or architecture
Where do you want to live?: In the UK.

Have you ever:
Kissed a Stranger: Not really. I'd known him 2 weeks
Had Alcohol: Yes but I don't like it
Smoked: Never
Ran Away From Home: No but have thought about it :P
Broken a bone: Not that I know of
Got an X-ray: Yes
Broken Someone's Heart: Unsure
Broke Up With Someone:
Cried When Someone Died: Of cause
Cried At School: Yes

Do You Believe In:
God: Yes
Miracles: Yes
Love At First sight:
Sometimes, yes?
Ghosts: Not really
Aliens: Not really
Soul Mates: YES!
Heaven: Yes
Hell: Yes
Kissing on The First Date: Depends
Yourself: ALWAYS (well most of the time)

I hope you found out a little bit more about me.
Until next time,
Liana xx

Sunday 17 March 2013

Mar 17: OOTD

Why Hello! Long time no blog.
Quick little post today, I've got a tonne of homework to do because I had a mental health day yesterday.
I went to my sister's soccer match this morning wearing a super cute summer/autumn transition outfit. Where the world would be without faux fur vest, I don't know. I LOVE mine, though admittedly this is the first time I've had the chance to wear it.
The weather in Melbourne has been ridiculously hot. 32 degrees (Celsius) is considered nice, 28 is cold enough for a jumper, and most days are 35+. Today was one of those rare days when it was only 22 (Yay!). So naturally I broke out the jeans, long sleeve tops and scarfs.

I am wearing dark wash skinny jeans, a grey thin knit sweater, a fur vest and a rainbow scarf. I also wore brown calf high boots. Cozy and comfy and fantastic for a lazy Sunday.

I hope you all had a good weekend.
Until next time,
Liana xx

PS. *guilty face* Sorry about the lighting, I couldn't be bothered getting out the tripod and there are very few placed to sit my camera in my room.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Mar 16: a mental health day

It's been a while since I have written anything.
I've been dealing with a number of personal issues that have resurfaced, as well as having spent more time than I wish to admit at the doctor for various reasons. On top of that, I am in year 12 and there just aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do.
With that in mind today I had a mental health day. A day comprised mainly of drinking copious tea, eating food that otherwise would not be too good for me and reading a thick book. I think that is the definition of a good day.
Just out of curiosity, what do you do to relax?

I will have a proper post up tomorrow.
Until next time,
Liana xx
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