
Friday 25 January 2013

Jan 25: Goals

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It's taken me a little while to figure out and write down my New Year's resolutions or as I like to call them goals for 2013. I think it will be good for me to have some sort of goals to achieve by the end of the year even if they are quite small and achievable.

That being said here are my ten goals for the new year:

1) De-clutter: I tend to hold on to a lot of useless stuff so this year I've decided to de-clutter every aspect of my life well most any way. Everything from my wardrobe to my calender to my bathroom cupboard will become organised so I can actually find things.
2) Go for more walks: This one is fairly obvious, go on more walks to keep fit and stay calm.
3) Take in the little things remembering that each day is new and has the opportunity to be fantastic: Sometimes I get so caught up in the big picture I forget to live each day to the fullest.
4) Drink more tea and less coffee: Just so that I take in less caffeine per day, it's not good for me.
5) Finally get organised school wise and stay that way: I often find that because I don't write things down I loose track of the time and I don't know what I have to do which is really frustrating for me.
6) Do more things for me: Take some time out to have a bath, do my nails and pamper myself, instead of looking after others before me all the time.
7) Make better use of my time: so actually do something productive instead of sitting in bed watching youtube videos.
8) Get up before 9am every day: Make more use of the day.
9) Finish school: that one is pretty straight forward
10) Figure out how to stay calm: I tend to get a bit flustered when things go wrong especially when under pressure. 
bonus 11) carry around a note book: for those moments when you need a note book

You'd be proud to know that I have drawn it up and it is now on my cork board.

Do you have any goals for this year? and how are you going to do them?

Until next time,
Liana xx

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